Monday 9 May 2011


While I do see evidence of collaboration in the school I teach the readings on this topic have been enlightening. I can now see that on of the major roles of the TL is to encourage collaboration between themselves and educators. The consequence of this process clearly benefits the learning of students. This is clearly presented in views presented by (Montiel – Overall, 2006, Todd, 2008). They clearly demonstrate that collaboration between TL and teachers enables the needs of students to be achieved successfully. However, one cannot discount that there are obstacles. A lack of time and the absence of a whole school vision can hinder the possible achievements of collaboration. Clearly, the TL cannot achieve success in this field if there isn’t a whole school policy that encourages cooperation and shared planning between the TL and teaching staff.

Montiel-Overall (2006) states that collaboration requires equal participation and shared responsibilities. Teachers are more open to the process of collaboration when they consider their role is equal to that of the TL. Thus, the TL’s role is crucial; their ability to work effectively with teachers is essential.

I can’t help but ponder about the collaborative efforts I have experienced with the TL in my school. While our efforts have resulted in sound pedagogical practices it never occurred to me that the TL had worked tirelessly to establish and maintain an equal and cooperative relationship. Collaboration……I now realise the importance of this role!

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