Monday 14 March 2011

The role of a librarian

A teacher of Society and Culture and History Extension I have worked extensively in the school library helping a number of students access information. During this time I have developed quite a close working relationship with the librarian who has been a godsend. My understanding of the role of a teacher librarian thus stems from my interaction with library staff particularly over the last 14 years.

  • a librarian is an outstanding communicator, one who collaborates with both staff and student in order to achieve quality learning
  • ensures that each student has equal opportunity to all resources
  • works closely with the class teacher to provide instructions that relate to information services
  • ensures that the learning environment is welcoming for all students
  • delivers lessons for both junior and senior students that comprehensively cover how to access a range of resources
  • manages the day to day working of the library, this includes purchasing, programming, ICT areas
  • effectively manages library staff
  • is actively involved in the ICT committee
  • encourages staff morale within the library
  • ensures that appropriate booking systems for library rooms, equipment are maintained and adhered to
The above roles are not exhaustive and I'm sure that future readings will bring to light areas that I have not included. Even at this stage it is an enormous role, one that seems to be ever developing in our changing world.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

.Getting there!

Getting there!

This week certainly has been enlightening. I finished my degree in 1986 when looking for material simply meant going to the catalogue. While I have acquired some skills with technology over the years, my experiences with the databases have been a first. Trying to navigate my way around sites was a challenge and the tutorials were a godsend. EBSCO certainly a lot easier than Informit, however I have no doubt that each will prove valuable when accessing resources. I feel that I wont feel confident with either database until I have to actually find specific articles for tasks. Creating a folder was easy but I still wonder how to access information from articles or texts that are not on library files? My next task will be examining the referencing system, this area I know has changed significantly since my days at University. So much to read and learn in what is a short period of time.

Monday 7 March 2011

Week One

Just a week into my course and I have successfully created a blog. I realise that there are many features that I am unaware of but time, I am sure will see me more proficient. I am treating this task (creating a log) as a first of many new fields that will surface over the next two years. It is my understanding that this blog is akin to a journal, and as such I will be using it as a record of my knowledge, growth and perhaps obstacles.
Databases was a new topic and I do feel like a novice among others who are so much more computer literate. I will battle on, and as I always tell my students, you learn through your mistakes, I'm sure that this will apply to me as well.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Librarians are almost always very helpful and often almost absurdly knowledgeable.  Their skills are probably very underestimated and largely underemployed.  ~Charles Medawar